We're Recruiting
We’re recruiting for three committees: Architectural Review, CC&R, and El Dorado County Solid Waste Advisory Committee
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meets every two weeks to review new projects that or residential owners have submitted documents for review and approval. These 1-hour meetings are on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 AM on the Cameron Park CSD campus. Interested members for committee positions will need to submit a letter of interest with qualifications and contact information.
The Covenants Conditions and Restrictions committee (CC&R) meets the first Monday of each month to review case files, outreach programs and neighborhood campaigns that our CC&R staff regularly works on. These 1-hour meetings are on Monday evenings at 5:30 PM on the Cameron Park CSD campus. Regular attendance is required.
El Dorado County Solid Waste Advisory Committee is an El Dorado County appointed committee comprised of agencies who provide waste collection and recycling to their communities. The purpose is to assist in developing new or enhancing existing solid waste programs and services. A Community member is needed to represent Cameron Park CSD. Meetings occur every two months on the second Monday, 2:30-4:00pm at El Dorado County office.
Letters of interest may be emailed to generalmanager@cameronpark.org